Earlier this month, we were book to be part of a Thanksgiving celebration at Yelp for their sales team, and it was quite the experience!

I was initially contacted by Kati Norrad, an executive assistant from Yelp, Inc., to be part of “Yelpsgiving,” their corporate holiday party. With a name like that, the day was sure to be a blend of warm holiday cheer and creativity!

Holiday Party Photo Booth Rental:  A Yelp Thanksgiving

When I arrived, I noticed that they had set up two long tables so the members of their sales team could get together and celebrate Thanksgiving. On a separate table were several glass jars, each representing one of the team members. Throughout the celebration, the guests could take slips of paper and write something that they were thankful for when it came to that individual. It may sound a little corny, but the positive vibe was so beautiful to witness—like watching one big family get-together!

We got to kick off the night with our fantastic photo booth. The guests had plenty of Thanksgiving-related props to choose from, including a cool turkey hat and glasses. We always come prepared—especially around the holidays!

After the guests had a chance to check out the photo booth, the department head addressed the team. Making sure to tell every member of his team how much they were appreciated. After that fabulous and inspirational speech, the guests helped themselves to the traditional turkey feast with all the fixings, including pumpkin pie. Once they finished feasting, it didn’t take long for everyone to jump back to photobooth fun. I think they enjoyed it!

I’d like to thank Kati Norrad for inviting me to this fantastic San Francisco corporate event. I was extremely thankful I could be there.